Check it out: is deleted, as is her personal journal, . It gets better. Anybody care to speculate on what happened to the WritersWeekend website? This is not exactly joy in the downfall of others. It’s a little more like, wtf, over? This whole thing borders on the surreal. I’m waiting for Writer’s Weekend to implode.
Category: Uncategorized
fairly nifty
This is fairly nifty: the postman just walked by and shoved two DVDs through the mail slot! But I need to make some effort to write this morning before being such a slug as to watch movies. Speaking of which,we watched the first DVD of season 2 Nikita last night. We had to watch the whole DVD, because it wouldn’t run at first (eventually it did, after I Windexed it), and we were afraid if we didn’t play it all the way through we wouldn’t be able to get it…
daily life
I hurt. All over. I don’t know where I picked up a bug, but I picked one up, and I hurt. I’d like it to go away now. (I’d think it was just soreness from the unaccustomedness of having worked out, but I’m pretty sure working out wouldn’t make my eyeballs hurt. Or my throat. Or my head, for that matter.) Other than that, I’m pretty okay. For the record, my hair does not look awful by any stretch. It’s just really not what I wanted, and getting it to…
bordering on miserable
Bordering on miserable about my hair. There is swearing and unhappiness behind the cut. Peanut gallery remarks will not be appreciated. I looked at my hair more closely. I have now got two sections of burned-off ‘bangs’ that are about eyebrow length at the edges of where I did the bleaching. *sigh* It’s melted, effectively. Not as astoundingly as it did the time I *actually* melted my hair and it turned gooey and stretched in my fingers, but melted. I do not know what I’m going to do right now.…
OMG. Teh sexay.
I got the re-drawn page one for Chance from Ardian today. At the moment I’m feeling quite cheerfully confident that Image Comics will be making a terrible, terrible mistake if they turn me/us down. I’m also feeling confident that if they don’t pick it up and produce it, *someone* will, or I will find *some* way to make it work, because I’m having too much fun to stop. :) I’ll deal with trying to figure out who and what and how later, if Image says no. Next up: get me…