Hrm. If I walk 3 miles (ok, 3.09 miles) EVERY SINGLE DAY til Dec 17th, I will make it to Rivendell. I need encouragement! miles to Rivendell: 210.5
Category: Uncategorized
hrm. rivendell.
Hrm. If I walk 3 miles (ok, 3.09 miles) EVERY SINGLE DAY til Dec 17th, I will make it to Rivendell. I need encouragement! miles to Rivendell: 210.5
writeful tightful tiddiful day
It turned out to be a very writeful day. 3600 words, 1400 of which were on THUNDERBIRD FALLS and the rest of which was on a Jubilee script. 11 pages written, 11 to go. I’ll try to send it out on the first, ’cause what the hell. I also went and saw Underworld again, this time with Jai, who looked very cute and was having good hair. So that was good. :) miles to Rivendell: 208 ytd wordcount: 205,400 ytd miles swum: 25.5
things catie wants
Things Catie wants for Christmas, not so much a hint as a list for my own self so that when people start asking me, I’ll know: the Rhodochrosite and Jasper journals, and the Charoite journal… I have the others. highlander season 3, which’ll be out in November-ish the best of highlander x-men: evolution season 1 collection and season 2 collection if they’ve put one out Coraline by Neil Gaiman Days of the Dead by Barbara Hambly (only out in hardback) Sunshine by Robin McKinley (only out in hardback) The Boy…
*howls of laughter*
Sometimes even Wolverine is sad.