Failed! Failed the red-eye upgrade roll! For both the Mexico trip *and* the Boston trip, siiiiigh. Oh well. I did, however, upgrade the trip back from Mexico, because what the hell. :) And I also consolidated my old Alaska Airlines mileage plan, the card for which I’d lost, with my new one, so that’s good. And with the two trips this fall, we oughta rack up the mileage. Maybe next year we can go to Ireland, or something! In, y’know. Our copious free time. Lucy has spent the last hour…
Category: Uncategorized
It’s very foggy out this morning. I like it. :) Ted got an Alaska Airlines credit card offer which also has his current available miles on it, or which claims to, anyway, and it’s nearly 25K miles, so I’m calling up our travel agent to see if we can upgrade the Mexico trip to 1st class. :)
Via Zalen: A Technical Review Of Kittens. Not a whole heck of a lot else to report. The cable modem crashed last night, so I made a batch of strawberry jam (which seems to have set up! YAY!) and finished reading the Jenny Jones trilogy that I was so enamored of ten years ago when I read it first. Frankly, I have no idea what I saw in it, now. I think I’ll bring them to Title Wave. o.O The cats appear to be determinedly ignoring the new type of…
So last night I went to this shamanism workshop, and that was interesting. I didn’t learn anything from it that I hadn’t learned from reading; nor did anything said blatantly contradict what I’ve read. We did a drum circle, which is always fun — there were THIRTY PEOPLE there! — and later a shamanic journey to meet a power animal, which was really pretty unsuccessful from my point of view, although among the images that came to me was a frog. Three times. So perhaps that’s something, or perhaps it’s…
lacking clarity
It seems, judging from reactions in the comments, that I’ve been lacking clarity as to Ted’s return to school. Let me clarify: Ted’s going back to school! Ted’s going back to school to get his culinary arts degree. :) It’s a two year program which he’ll be starting next Monday. He’s all excited about it and every time we go anywhere with anything even vaguely resembling food or food preparation, he starts thinking about how he could arrange dishes and how to make different meals and all sorts of things.…