Everybody came over last night and Ted made his newly-invented Arctic lasagna, and it was very, *very* good. He also made stuffed mushrooms and garlic bread (actually Mom made that) and I made a very large amount of carrot cake, and it all went over well. Lots of fun. :) Then all the rich food rebelled in my system and the hours between 2 and 6am were sleepless, so I ended up sleeping until 11 this morning. Then I read the first in A Series of Unfortunate Events, which was…
Category: Uncategorized
*best* husband!
I have the VERY BEST husband! Since we moved into this house, I’ve been missing my leather clogs what I bought at the v. expensive shoe store in Santa Cruz. They are v. splendid clogs and fit my fat feet perfectly. I loves them, I do. But I couldn’t find them. And Ted has found them for me! I am happy! Yaaaay! It’s been a busy day. Got up late. Made bread. Shopped. Got a new jug (which immediately got chipped. sigh. Shaun fixed it, but this relationship is clearly…
et voila
Et voila. I have put together an S&3 for URBAN SHAMAN for an agent who is looking for paranormal, and an application for Viable Paradise, which is evidently still taking apps. Today, I feel like a confident writer! :)
GOD DAMNED CAT. He just fucking broke my new purple jug. Shoved it off the counter and shattered the handle. God *damn* it.
evil, but stylish
Ok, the Alaskan senators are evil, but at least Stevens is evil with style. :) (Actually, Stevens is pretty cool, as a person. It’s just his politics that are evil. He’s been in office since Nixon, who tried to strongarm him into voting a party line on something–like Bush did with that Senator who defected a couple years ago–and Stevens bodily threw the two guys Nixon had sent out of his office, and told them he wasn’t going back on the floor until the President came down and apologized in…