Performance reviews at work. El yucko. Anything else? Oh yeah. I biked 20.6 miles last night, go me! Averaging 12.8mph, which I was prettypleased with, especially since it was windy as HELL. I’d been wondering on my ride on Wednesday what I could do to make myself work harder as I biked, and I figured it out–instead of keeping my odometer on the mileage, if I keep it on the average mph, I seem to work hard to keep that MPH up. The first 6 miles or something of the…
Category: Uncategorized
here, Rod
Here, Rod. Taken at the end of last month: Despite appearances, I am not missing my right eye. :)
a desperate bout of jr high
*helpless laughter* This morning Jai sent me a photograph with no ID, and a subject line that said ‘So do you know who this is?’ Well, yes, of course, I recognized him instantly; it was Rodney, my high school Twuuu Wuuuuv, and I wrote back and said ‘oh my god’, because he is goatee-d and heavier and looks like a country singer star in the photo, and then there was much giggling, and then the girl who’d sent it to Jai apparently told Rod that she’d sent it to Jai…
biking and words
miles to Mordor: 263 ytd wordcount: 140,500
um, just stuff
Just stuff, today. My back was all achy and awful yesterday and it’s still stiff today (a combination, maybe, of an 8 mile hike Saturday and then sleeping very badly Monday night) and it occurred to me last night that while I like to push myself, that it might be a better idea to do the 50K ride on Sunday instead of the 100K ride, because I /know/ I can do the 50K ride and once again, it seems more clever to ensure I’ll be able to bike all summer…