Stupid brain. Does anybody have any brilliant suggestions on how to make oneself actually get out of /bed/ when the alarm goes off at 6? Yah, I know, Trip just gets up, but that’s unnatural.
Category: Uncategorized
Ok, so if I subtract the biked miles (137 miles biked in April divided by 4), I’m at 61 miles walked to Rivendell. Still less than 400 to go, that’s something, anyway. Need to get up tomorrow and write. Er. Walk. Write, too, but I meant walk. I believe I’m going to apply to Goddard College’s low-residency MFA in Creative Writing program.
not feeling like blogging
Not feeling much like blogging atm. Thinking of removing my biked miles from my Rivendell walk ’cause somehow it feels like cheating. Went to see The Two Towers again on Saturday night, which was fun except we were both *way* too tired. Talking with Christi about site design made me kinda start thinking of working on a comic-book sort of thing to .. well. see, I like this current X design, but I have this dream that sometime I could do my own ‘comic book covers’ with a new cover…
x2, what, me obsessed?
Some non-spoilery comments: Nightcrawler *completely* won me over. Boy, Hugh Jackman sure does have nice long legs. PETER WINGFIELD. PETER WINGFIELD. PETER WINGFIELD. (Honestly, except when he was actually on screen, I forgot about him.) If Halle Berry really, as reported, thinks her part was too small in this movie, she’s a twit. Pyro, despite the trailers, doesn’t /really/ look like Wil Wheaton.
X2 redux
My fanboy husband assures me that in fact it is /my/ fault that we went to the movie at midnight, because he hadn’t /thought/ of going to the midnight show until I asked. So okay. I can live with that burden. :) Oh my god, I’m tired. *cackle*