Got up at 6am and went for a walk! So did Ted! So did Chantico! Yay for us! So there are *lots* of miles to Rivendell to report this morning! But nothing else at all. :) Miles to Rivendell: Ted: 5 Catie: 52.5 Heather: 34 Dave: 86.5 (showoff) Jai: 40.1
Category: Uncategorized
busy evening
FINALLY. Some WRITING got done. I did the timeline for FOOL’S GOLD and have hit 11 major plot points/significant moments, which I think will be 2-3 chapters each, so I think I’ve got myself a book. Now all I have to do is write it. No prollem! :) Biked 15 miles this evening. It was a /gorgeous/ night and a great ride. Very content with that. And that’s 3.8 miles towards my walk to Rivendell, too, which is nice. Oh, and Ted went rollerblading with his new rollerblades! Yay Ted!…
let’s see
Let’s see. I’m working on the rough draft of a mermaid drawing for Ellen’s mermaid coloring book, which hopefully she’ll like. Um. Also: decided not to do the Lung Association bike ride would be the better part of valor, because my back is still not 100% and I would rather be able to ride 10 miles a day all summer than 120 miles in 2 days and not be able to do ANYTHING for the rest of the summer. :/ Jai was forced to cancel on our walk this afternoon,…
a whole pound
I have apparently lost a whole pound since the 15th (when, although I didn’t report it, I did weigh myself, and hadn’t lost any weight). A pound isn’t very much, but I’m grasping at straws here, so bear with me. :)
man. ow.
Man. I tell you. I gotta find a way to release the tension in my shoulders. I just got back from a 2.5 mile walk, and it basically hurts to look down, because my shoulders and neck and upper back are so damned tight. I’m seriously considering starting going to a massage therapist or something. This is insane. Dave (Heather’s husband) has volunteered to run to Rivendell and back again, if we think that would make us feel better. We think it will. :) Go Dave! :) Miles to Rivendell:…