tired. hungry.

Tired and hungry this morning, although I got enough sleep and I just ate. Um. In a meeting now. Got up a little early (a whole half hour, wich means I got up at 7:30 instead of 8 like I’ve been doing o.O) and exercised. Situps and pushups and leg lifts and stuff like that. And about a minute’s worth of jumping rope, after which I’d tripped over the rope enough times that I lost patience. I’ll try for thirty seconds longer tomorrow, or something. :) I decided, anyway, that…

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oh, the other books

Oh, the other books were … nevermind, I’ve forgotten again already. One’s the new Steven Barnes book and the other’s some pretty standard-looking fantasy fare with a cat and a chick on the cover. Back in the auld writing saddle. I’ve gotten about 300 words written on HOUSE OF CARDS, the sequel to HEART OF STONE, and I’m editing ANGLES (don’t worry, Silkie, the first line remains unchanged). There’s a couple of other things I’m poking at, so over the weekend I’ve gotten about 600 words written, which isn’t a…

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lil bookstore accident

Lil’ bookstore accident today; at Fred Meyer, they had signs up in their books section saying ‘buy 2, get 1 free’ and we found 6 we wanted, but it turned out it was only 1 per customer, so we accidentally bought 5 books and got 1 free instead of buying 2 books and getting 1 free, or buying 4 books and getting 2 free, which was what we were trying for. I said, “But there are two of us!” to the cashier, and she looked apologetic but didn’t give us…

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Oh my gosh, so tired suddenly. *laugh* Jai and I drove AAAALLLLLLLLL the way down to Kenai, stopped at her Mom’s store to drop off a teapot and teamug that Jai bought as a gift for her, went to Pizza Paradisos, then to Dairy Queen, then came AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL the way back up to Anchorage. We talked for about six hours straight. It was *wonderful*. Jai showed off her bellydancing costumes, which are keen! And we laughed and laughed and now my throat is sore and my voice is raw, but…

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wow geeky

This is the geekiest proposal ever, but awwww how sweet! Via Population: One.