It’s amazing how much fur a cat can deposit in a water cup, just by walking by it. o.O
Two hundred thousand words! 12 days ahead of schedule, too! Got 1400 words written this morning, I’m liking what I’m doing even if I’m not sure it’s right for what I’m aiming for, plan to finish the chapter this afternoon. I am, at the moment, on a crusade to write 3K a day, from now through the end of the month, anyway. Things I’ll do today that are good for me: walk 2-3 miles, eat some damned froots, which I haven’t been doing. Fnrt. ytd wordcount: 201,100
oh, for heaven’s sake
300 words short of 200K, for heaven’s sake. I wrote some more this evening, clearly. A whole ‘nother chapter, and I’m pretty pleased with myself. :) I switched over to third person and it’s working all right; we’ll see if I can continue it in the morning. Gymmed this evening, although I took it pretty easy because I was all wheezy. Stupid, stupid allergies and stupid muggy wet air. But still, I went and I worked out, which is what counts. ytd wordcount: 199,700 miles to Lothlorien: 43.5
sudden horrible sleepies!
Sudden! Horrible! SLEEEEEPIES! And I can’t shake them off by going for a walk because I have a meeting in 15 minutes, which isn’t *quite* long enough to do the neighborhood circuit. Well, it probably is, but not if I take the dog. :) Which reminds me: things I’ll do today that’re good for me: walk 2 miles, go to the gym, eat 1 froot. (I have to. I already ate my sugar dessert for the day, 2 cookies. If I want anything else sweet it has to be froot.)…
want want want
I really don’t want to be at work today. I want to be doing other things, mostly writing. I want to get the revisions on TB done so I can send the proposal to Matrice. I want to edit the short story I wrote for an anthology and send it to the editor. I want to get several thousand words into this new thing so that I’ve got a real feel for it. I want to finish my rewrite on HoS and send it back to Jennifer. I want *Tor*…