The good news is I didn’t screw around today. The bad news is I still accomplished very little. :P I should go take a walk, shouldn’t I?
Enough screwing around. To work!
*grrrod damn it*’s been hacked. It’s currently asking people to download some kind of file. Don’t. Edit: has not been hacked. My provider got something screwed up and their apache server isn’t recognizing php files right now. Carry on. o.o
a totally cool meme
I really like this meme I cribbed from Liralen: Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it’s something that’s never happened. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what people would like to remember of you, only the universe failed to cooperate in making it happen so they had to make it up instead.
astoundingly cool email
I got the most astoundingly cool email last night: I just found your name from the Romantic SF website as a forthcoming author, and I thought you (or at least the title of your book) sounded familiar. When I was working at (publishing house name removed to protect the innocent, or something) (as an editorial intern) last year, I was going through the slush pile and I read a few chapters of a book with a main character named Joanne Walkingstick(?) who was a shaman, and there was a Celtic…