a reversal on my coldfire stance

I finished re-reading the Coldfire Trilogy last night. I have reversed my stance on the end of book 3. I am not only no longer bitterly disappointed with it, but while I still think I probably wouldn’t have written it that way myself, I suspect that it is in fact the best possible ending for the series. I suspect that if I had written it, and not written it that way, I would have been making a mistake. I also suspect I didn’t read it very carefully the first time…

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Boom! Cat exploded this morning! 1961 words, which was sort of an accident because I kept aiming for a nice even 100 to end on, but I kept ending up in the 50s. Eventually I had to stop writing, because I had to go to work. Hrmph. Gymmed last night. Yay! No gym tonight, though, cause it’s Tuesday. After gymming, instead of being a Good Kit and either writing or making jam, I read about 2/3rds of When True Night Falls, and after I make jam tonight I am going…

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shout out & thinks to do

G’morning, people. I’m starting a shout-out meme, today. I don’t know who half the readers of this site are. Drop me a comment that says hi, won’t you? You don’t have to introduce yourself if you don’t want, but y’know, just shout out. Thinks to do today: 1. make bread 2. do laundry 3. write 4. make jam 5. clean kitty litter 6. email TQB to Jenn 7. have breakfast. MEOW. 8. gym

wib wib wib!

Wib wib wib! Nice afternoon so far. Went to have coffee (or at least a bottle of water) with Jai, and hung out with her for a couple of hours, then went to the gym and now I’m all wibbly. Ted went to the gym, too! Yay Ted! Yay me! Cost of going to the gym this month: $11.37 per visit. We shall try to do better in March. :) Time to edit!