Okay, pretty cheerful me this morning. I got another 1650 words written on TQB and finished up chapter 4. So far I like the end of ch. 4 best–well, I donno, I liked the end of ch. 1 a lot too. :) Anyway, enjoying writing this a whole lot! I hope I continue to enjoy it! I have also launched a cemurphy.net redesign. It’s still a little shy on content, but I’m v. pleased with the new look, which takes it away from being a blog-shaped site and turns into…
where were you last year?
Gacked this meme from matociquala at LJ: where were you on this day last year? Frankly, Feb. 28th was pretty damned boring in 2002. I advise checking out Feb. 27th, which was much more interesting. A year ago today, on the other hand, was an exciting day. Oh! And 2001 was good, too! I went to work with a shaved head 3 years ago today! Who knew? *laugh* (The photos linked from that entry now reside on this page.) And this is the best I can do for Y2K (Deborah,…
I got up this morning and pounded out another 1650 words on TQB, which is STILL going very well (it can’t last, but oh how I enjoy it while it does!) and now I have broken 80,000 words for the year! 20% of my goal! Woo! *happy dance, happy dance*! Off to have French toast now. Yum. Hungry Kit. ytd wordcount: 80,650 (YAY!)
at the end of the day
At the end of the day (you’re another day older! and that’s all you can say for the life of the poor!), it turned out to be a good writing day after all. I got 1900 words written on TQB and I enjoyed the hell out of writing them. This makes me insanely happy. *beam* I also went out and bought paperback copies of When True Night Falls and Crown of Shadows, because my hardback copies are somewhere in the garage in a box and it was easier to go…
on rejection and response time
This afternoon my agent asked, on her blog, what the most frustrating thing about rejection was. I ended up saying that it’s not really rejection that I find frustrating, but rather the amount of time it takes to get rejection letters, which has nothing to do with the rejection itself. Jenn then asked, So….what do you think is a reasonable amount of time for consideration and reply? I know on initial queries I’m usually good at answering within two weeks now (though not during holidays). On requested partials and manuscripts,…