I had intended to make a stab at hitting 4500 words again today. Then it turned out to be FORTY-FIVE DEGREES out and I spent three and a half hours shoveling snow just for an excuse to be outside in the beautiful day, instead. :) I took a couple of hours and went to Title Wave to have hot chocolate with Jai and Tori and John, which was very pleasant, and we went to dinner and Mom & Dad’s house (mmmm, baked ham, mmmm), and then home again. I did…
*mutter* My Highlander season 1 DVD with The Lady and the Tiger is all mucked up. I suppose it’s a little irrational to go buy the entire first season all over again because one episode doesn’t play well, but it’s extremely likely that’s what I’m going to do anyway. Phooey. And I was so enjoying my Highlander Night.
ms. obsessive writer
Christopher came over, we made up characters and ate cake and spaghetti and talked a lot. When he went away, I thought ‘eh, well, another 550 words and I’ll be 10K ahead of my ytd goal, might as well write a bit’, only then at 550 I wasn’t done and in fact at 850 I wasn’t really *done*, but I put a note in so I know what my next thought was when I start tomorrow, and stopped anyway at 4500 words for the day. I’d really like a repeat…
*laugh* cool
Swiped this idea from Dave, aka BangBang, and looked up myself (mizkit) at Merriam-Webster.com. 1. miscut 2. Mesquite 3. misact 4. mesquite 5. miskick 6. Miskito 7. miskicks 8. Miyazaki 9. Misti 10. miasmic Hee hee hee.
I actually went to the gym. *waves a little flag* That’s 3 times this week, which is 2 fewer than hoped for but 3 times more than any previous week this year, so it balances out, or something. :) Now if I were really morally superior, I’d go write some more, but I’ll probably clean off the kitchen table instead so we can make up gaming characters. Yay!