Got my 1500 words for the day, donno if I’ll do any more. I know where I’m picking up with this chapter, and suddenly as I was writing it I had the idea that I had 10 chapters to go. I don’t know if that’s actually accurate, but I think it’s pretty close. So if I manage 1500 words a day I ought to be done by 20 Feb, and since nothing ever works as planned, I *anticipate* being done by 1 Mar. Which is one year exactly before it’s…
stargate, chiro, & stuff
I decided yesterday afternoon that I needed to go to the chiro, so I made an appointment and went over and my back went CRRRRRRSHT! CRRRRRRRSHT! And is a lot better now, except I stayed in bed too long this morning so it’s sort of stiff. After the chiro Ted and I drove around a bit and went to the comic shop, where I failed to be able to harrass (our favorite comic shop guy) Christopher (apparently he’s been holding out on me; evidently he’s an artist, and I want…
Anyway, before I made an ass of myself emailing Messagefire (I did send them another message saying ‘heh, sorry, figured it out’) I was going to say, no writing this morning, but we did go over to my parents’ house last night and have a lot of enthusiastic political discourse, which was fun. I guess Fridays are mostly my mornings off from writing, which is primarily because Ted doesn’t have to get up at 5:30 to go to class, so I feel no guilt about staying in bed. I’ll probably…
*Glrhrhghgh*. Unreasonable frustration and anger. I use a service called Messagefire to deal with spam on one of my email accounts. It’s extremely good and rarely misses spam. Once in a while, however, it misses a piece, and for some reason or other, my Outlook Express doesn’t have the nifty popup window Messagefire seems to claim will appear if you look in the headers, or something, so that you can send them a message and say “this is junk mail”. (I wasn’t able to figure out how to turn the…
*Thud*! Chapter 3 of TQB is done at 6660 words, making for a total of something like 20,300 words for the book so far (ye *gods*!). I need to do some editing and rewriting, which I, I, I, hm, hope I can do this weekend, and then I’ll send it off to the proto-editor and charge on. I may charge on anyway, tomorrow. Excellent. Eeeexcellent. Extremely pleased, extremely pleased indeed. I know what I’m doing, know where I’m going, yeah, all is cool. Of course, I’m sure later on I’ll…