oh my gawd

Oh my gawd. Ted has just arrived home with croissants and raisin bread and rye sourdough bread and sourdough baguettes and something else I missed the name of. I’m considering the possibility that sending him to cooking school was a work of sheer *genius* on my part. *swoon*! Oh my *gawd*.

bereft and defunct

Inspired, more or less, by ‘s interview questions, I’m consolidating blogs. At least, consolidating the mizkit blogs. Not going to post to to this one anymore. If you want to keep reading me, you can 1. go to mizkit.com, or 2. syndicate/friend/whatever the , which provides you all the content with none of the effort, or something like that. Oh, if you syndicate and want to make comments, please click through to the main site and comment there (or email me), ’cause I don’t get any kind of notification about…

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oh for pity’s sake

Oh, for pity’s sake. I missed 40K this morning by 250 words. Oh. Also, I figured out the discrepancy between the 250wpp count vs. Word’s exact count. At least, sort of. I’ve been using the font Courier New because my Courier and Sarah’s Courier were different (I don’t know *why*) and so when we’d exchange chapters, the fonts would get all screwy, but if I used Courier New that didn’t happen. Also, I just discovered that this computer apparently hasn’t got Courier. At least, not if I go into Word…

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Flibbit. I went to a movie–Mona Lisa Smile–instead of yoga. It was a good movie. Maybe even a little better than I expected. It didn’t do much for my general feeling of blahness, but I didn’t expect yoga would either, so that’s not really much of a loss. It’s a blah day. I redesigned my website in one of those “maybe this will cause me to wake up thin” sorts of things, but I’m pretty sure it’s not going to work. It hasn’t in the past, anyway, and I don’t…

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pop culture glee

I’m getting way too much pop culture glee from this.