My hands are *freezing*. Brrr. And it’s warmed up today, so I donno what’s up with that! Good writing day today. I didn’t get up early enough to make 1K on TB, but I made 1200 on TQB, so it was a good writing day. I’m going to hit 5K on this QB chapter before I even /fix/ it. I’m at like 3800 words already. Sheesh! Also, I broke 225K written this year, today! Yay! ytd wordcount: 226,900 Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 352
Got up at about 6 this morning, somewhat later than I might’ve, but still early enough to get 800 words of re-writing on chapter 8 done. Just in case “re-writing” gives an implication of “fixing words that are already there”, let me assure you that these are all-new words. Chapter 8 had to be thrown out entirely. Complete. Whoosh. A visit to the circular file. And … well. Some parts of chapter 9 might be salvageable, after 8 is re-written, and after that… I haven’t even looked at the chapters,…
FINALLY. I’ve gotten some writing done. I did, well, ok, 200 words, on TB this morning, before needing to do research, so I’ll probably throw most of them out, but hey, at least I did them, and I got another 1200 words written on TQB. They are very, very *bad* words and are going to need serious editing (like, I’m thinkin’ that there’s at least one page of telling that needs to be turned into about 3 pages of showing, and … I think that’s true in at least two…
*more* jam
I now have 6 jars of blueberry jam and a burn on my arm. Ow ow ow.
amused, even smug
Amused and even smug, because the Magician is the card I chose for myself when I got a tarot deck a while ago. I AmWhich tarot card are you?