just stuf

Another laundry list kind of day. Walked 4 miles, didn’t write, Ted raked (yay Ted!), I did crunches and practiced the tin whistle, which is fun :) and oh, I did manage to clean the kitty litter. Gooooood Kit. miles to Rivendell: 244

v. tired

Well, I got most of my to-do list done today, anyway. I didn’t gym because I felt awful when I woke up at 5:30 this morning, and I didn’t make jam because the peaches had gone all soft and ooky already (wah!), but I did everything else. I even walked *four* miles! And I wrote 2100 words. *V*. tired now. miles to Rivendell: 240 ytd wordcount: 213,300


miles to Rivendell: 236

that was quick!

That was quick! The Jubilee submission for Marvel arrived there today (I sent it Friday). Yay!


Third iteration of page design in as many days. I think, however, that I am satisfied with this one. It balances the post-it-note aspect I want from my webpage with a reasonably accessible content area and all the navigation stuff is available at the top without being this Massive Chunk Of Stuff. In other news, I did not get up and swim this morning. Bad Kit. It’s hard to get out of bed at 5:30 on Mondays, particularly. Mom and Dad are back safely from their travels! Apparently my nephew…

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