Ok, well, I got sidetracked into ‘s LJ and was gonna answer this there, but I’m not friendslisted so I couldn’t, so instead I’m just posting it here, ’cause I’m feeling the meme pull today, I guess. Age: 30 Reason for LJ username: It’s been my online moniker for almost 10 years. AIM/MSN/IRC/other chat screename: mizkit, or variations thereon Reason for AIM/MSN/IRC/ other chat screename: See above. The real reason: I played a mu* character named Kit, called her Miz Kit… Why do you enjoy reading my LJ: Truth be…
I’m beginning to think I might not get the con written up quite the way I want to.
Aberdeen and I went to see Spy Kids 3-D yesterday, in keeping with tradition (we saw the first two together too) and although we’d have been happier if it hadn’t been in 3-D (I am not good at focusing on whatever magical point on the screen makes 3-D work properly; two or three times the whole thing slid into 3-D resolution, but mostly it was just off enough to be annoying), we enjoyed it. Also, if you’re going to see it, stay through the credits, ’cause there’s a cute something…
Jai came over last night and this morning and she and Emily and I went walking! 6 miles all told, and that means I’ve broken 150 miles! Woo! Been a nice, busy day. We walked, after eating some of the Giant Cinnamon Roll that Jai brought over, and when we got home Chanti was POOPED and so lay around panting and sleeping for several hours, which is nice. :) We went to Burger Stop for lunch and wow. OMG. I had the shrimp basket special, and the deep-fried shrimp was…
3-armed romance cover!
Hey! We talked about this cover this weekend! It features a 3-armed romance heroine!