mizkit Magic Number 16 Job Sporting Great Personality Chancer Temperament All Bark, No Bite Sexual Whatever, Whenever, Whoever Likely To Win Time Off For Good Behaviour Me – In A Word Ditsy Colour Brought to you by MemeJack
I am going for a walk at lunchtime today comma dammit.
not dead!
Not, despite appearances, dead. Put the bonus check in the bank today. Then had the enjoyable experience of paying all the bills early, which will allow the bank account to lie fallow for several weeks and build up its money so I can continue to pay the bills early without there being any scrambling or waiting for checks to clear or anything. HOORAY. I have been saying for about the last three years that all we /really/ needed was a /small/ windfall, to get everything on a cycle where I…
a nice evening
We went over to Mom & Dad’s for dinner with Deirdre and Gavin and Breic and Allison and Marge and Lizzie and Issac and dessert with all those people and also Branwyn and Juna, and it was v. good. Mom made really really yummy halibut and garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli and fruit salad, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I had a glass of water which I had sitting on a not terribly safe place, and Gavin kicked it over and broke it. Ten minutes later, I spilled my new…
bonus check!
Bonus check! Bonus check which they withheld a full 33% of for taxes and whatnot. Sheesh. Still! Bonus check!