beatsheets done!

The Chance beatsheets are done! Now all that’s left is writing a 1-2 page series overview and a cover letter, and then I can send it out. Possibly tonight, more likely tomorrow night. But yay! And gosh, now I’m only 52,000 words behind for my mid-year wordcount goal. I could catch up. That’s only… 3000 words a day… o.O ytd wordcount: 148,200

Busy busy busy. Went on a lovely 20.7 mile bike ride last night, and then we went over to Gavin’s Mom’s for dinner, and then we came home and went *tud* and then Ted got up much too early to go in to stupid stupid work and then Chanti and I got up quite a lot later and went on a mile-long walk around the neighborhood, which was not as much fun as the coastal trail but was much, much less buggy. And now the sun has gone away and…

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holy cow

Holy cow. I have just gotten email from AnnaG at Tor. She is halfway through the manuscript and likes it very much. YAY!

holy cow

Holy cow. I have just gotten email from the editor at Tor. The gist of the email seems to be, “Hang in there”; she is halfway through the manuscript and likes it very much. Holy COW.


1000 words rewrite credit on the Kitling story, and about nine hundred words over the last day or two on Chance beatsheets. So call it 1900 words, for a total of… ytd wordcount: 146,600