MANIFEST DESTINY for the Writer’s Weekend Contest is in the… well. The envelope, anyway, if not the actual mail. I’m thinking of submitting ANGLES, too. It has not been a writeful month. Hell, it hasn’t been a writeful several months, at this point. I think FOOL’S GOLD sucks and I can’t figure out what to do about it; writing my outline … didn’t help. I have no momentum, no … *oomph* behind it. I’m not actually a real fan of putting aside projects because they’re not working, although I did…
I meant to write…
I meant to write yesterday, but clearly I didn’t get around to it. Busy day. Got up early and did shopping, then had breakfast and then spent a few hours in the kitchen making chocolate gelato (which certainly didn’t freeze in the few hours I had it in the freezer; I’ll check it again sometime today) and a custard-filled lemon cake, which turned out v. nicely indeed. Then Ted moved into the kitchen to make lasagna, and very suspiciously trusted Emeril’s statement that you didn’t *have* to pre-cook the lasagna…
busy busy
Well, I haven’t exactly accomplished what I meant to accomplish today, but I’ve gotten a lot done. I stared despondently at FG and was entirely uninspired. I’m not writing it right, but I don’t know what I’m doing /wrong/, and I’m stalling out. Yuck. So after a while of grumy staring and not achieving anything, I thought I’d go vaccum, so that at least I’d get /something/ done today. I got the upstairs and the stairs vacuumed and emptied a couple of garbages and then that was as much fun…
Pretty nice evening. Ted got off work a bit early to go pick up his new glasses, which look very nice, and came home and so we vroomed over to the Dimond Center and watched Bend it Like Beckham, which was very enjoyable, and then came home and Ted grilled steaks and then I went for a walk. It wasn’t the 5 mile walk I had intended, because I didn’t leave the house until 9, and I didn’t want to be out until nearly 11, so instead I concentrated on…
Despite what have seemed to be my best efforts in the other direction for the last week, I am apparently down 2.5 pounds since mid-April. This isn’t a huge amount of weight, but it’s a lot better than being /up/ 2.5 pounds since mid-April. So I’m getting back on the bandwagon, or whatever, and going to try harder about eating right and exercising again. Tonight I’ll go on a 5 mile walk, even if it is icky and rainy out. I probably won’t melt. :) Oh, I watched Buffy last…