childhood vaccine

I just came across this headline: “FDA approves childhood vaccine” I had no *idea* you could vaccinate against childhood. (The actual story is here; it’s actually a new combination vaccination that will let kids only have 3 shots instead of 9. But damn, that’s really not what the headline suggests.)


Fwsh. I want to be writing, not working. I am, unsurprisingly, wanting to work on the next Walker Papers book. :) However, much as I want to futz around with that, I have to do real work, as I have a code freeze at the end of the day. My exceedingly cool coworkers got me a $100 gift certificate to Home Depot as a housewarming gift. I told them I’d make a note, “Supplied by CHI”, on the shelves it bought. :) I wish I would stop hacking. I’ve got…

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book finished

book finished. author very tired. must remember to check for consistency of missing hole/o through ms before printing.

very tired.

I’m very tired. We went to the Young Dubliners last night at the Bear Tooth Theatre, and it was an *outstanding* show, but it didn’t start until 11:30 and didn’t get over til 1am. I spent 90 minutes jumping up and down and dancing, which was very fun (and best of all, my back is perfectly fine today! I think I’m healed!) and made me wish I knew people to go dancing with up here (2 nights a week of 3 hours of dancing each would go a long way…

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I’m an aunt! Deirdre had her baby at 9:12am this morning, an 8 pound 3oz baby boy named Braic Hugh who has copper-penny red hair! What a surprise that is! Especially since Deirdre and I were bald until we were five! Well, not really, but we didn’t have much hair for a long time, and when we did it came in brown. :) Wow! Congratulations to Deirdre and Gavin! Now we have to go buy Ted some new tennies, because Chanti ate his. *sigh*