washing walls

So there I was this afternoon, with a pitcher of hot water and a dishwashing rag, washing the Chantico-induced mud from the walls, thinking, “When I was a little kid, I used to say, “When I’m a grown-up, I won’t *care* if I’m living in a dirty house!”, and here I am, washing the walls.” Aaah, how the mighty have fallen. :) While Ted was carpet cleaning (and after I finished washing the walls) I went out to the garage and started sanding boards for shelves. Mom lent me her…

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busy day

got up and went shopping and came home and vacuumed all the carpets and Ted cleaned them all (and Chanti has of course just tracked new mud on them) and I sanded several pieces of wood for shelves and my hands are very tired indeed and we went to lunch and went to get Ted an EverQuest upgrade and went to see how my Mom was doing (she broke a tooth, which fortunately doesn’t hurt) and then we went to Walmart and got a couple of rugs to put on…

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Hey! I went _swimming_! Just 1250 yards, which is a very short swim from my POV, but I was reallyreally trying not to overdo it, because I reallyreally don’t want to end up crippled again. I also did 3-5 minutes worth of bicycling action in the water, because that’s what the chiro told me to do (along with water jogging, which I didn’t do at all). But I went SWIMMING! It was nice! Yaaaay! Except my swimsuit is falling into disrepair and I’m going to have to buy a new…

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Gnargh. I just accidentally closed my IE window into which I’d typed a big long blog post already. I *hate* that. Now I’ve lost all my cleverness and it just won’t be the *same* to type it out again. :P None-the-less, damn Sarah’s eyes anyway. I am *not* writing a YA historical by April 30, even if I *did* just realize a perfect opening while I was in the shower. I’m not I’m not I’m NOT, that would be INSANE. I have to finish MD by April 15 (there’s a…

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cute puppy

Chanti is being very cute tonight. I found her peanutbutterball, which is a heavy rubber ball with ridges on the outside and hollow on the inside so you can put peanutbutter and dog food into it and make a playtoy for the dog, and she is soooooooooo happy, trotting around with the ball. Up the stairs, down the stairs, up the stairs, come see Catie, stand at the top of the stairs with the ball hanging out of the side of her mouth, go halfway down the stairs, chase the…

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