
Ah! I sent in my con registration too late to sign up for the readings (there’s only a very limited number of spaces available for that), so the meeting with Ms. Halsey is in fact a /meeting/, not a reading. Yay! Now I may panic again. :)


In a fit of SaveFarscapeism, I just emailed Wil Wheaton to ask him if he’d consider putting a link to nebari.net on his blog at wwdn. I donno if he’s a Farscape fan, but he’s certainly a SF geek, and while probably a significant portion of his readers are, too, and already know about Farscape’s cancellation, I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. I feel vaguely foolish, though, mostly, I think, because I remember being in high school and my friend Kelly who had a *tremendous* crush on Wesley Crusher/Wil…

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know what i

Know what I just did? I just went to the post office and mailed the goddamned Legion script to Tony. Finally. Months late, but FINALLY I sent it. Better late than frelling never, right? I also mailed a letter to the Sci-Fi channel encouraging them not to cancel Farscape, but in the scheme of things, that’s less important. Well, less important to me, anyway. I went to the chiro and got popped. He popped me and made me do my leg lifts and it hurt so he popped me again…

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Damn. Ignore the fax number further down; apparently it doesn’t work. Drat.


Ai! I’m meeting with Winifred Halsey on Saturday. She’s 1. the woman who’s DOING THE JUDGING for the contest and 2. the woman who owns her own small press publication company. Ai! I might start panicking now. O.O