con writeup, long!

Ah hah! Web access! This is going to be a Very Long Post. :) RMFW Con Report, 9.12.02 Taking a break from con stuff to ice my poor stiff back, which really very much does *not* appreciate the whole hours-on-airplane/hours-in-panels treatment it’s getting. So! I got on a redeye flight that was packed absolutely full and failed to sleep at all, which is very sad indeed. I kept my eyes closed pretty much the whole plane ride, but I don’t think I slept more than 15 minutes; 3 hours is…

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off to colorado

Well, I’m off to Coloradoin a few hours. I imagine I’ll be able to find a place somewhere that I can check email, but I can’t figure out how to set Netscape up to check my mizkit account, so if anyone wants to actually send me any email over the next few days, please use my account. All thoughts and wishes of good luck will be greatly appreciated. I’ll try to post from the con. If I can’t, well, see you Monday!

hm, well.

Hm, well. Instead of a writeup about 9/11 — which I still may or may not do — I wrote a letter to’s Headline News, who have actually covered the SaveFarscape campaign this evening. Here’s my letter: I was actually online in a chat with Gigi Edgely, who plays Chiana on Farscape, when a handful of people reported that “We were on CNN!” I missed the 8:45 Eastern report, but caught the repeat for the West Coast at 9:45 ET (5:45pm my time; I’m in Alaska). I wanted to…

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Well. That was remarkably painless. We went to sign mortgage paperwork. It took less than half an hour. All, evidently, is well with the world. Then we went and had lunch at someplace with Croissaint in the name, and it was really really yummy. And, um, let’s see. *LAUGH* I just heard Lucy’s really pathetic mewing. Mew? Meew? Meowl. Mewl. And I looked around for her, and it kind of sounded like she was behind Ted’s desk. Mewl. Mewr? Mowl. And so I leaned over and pulled open the drawer…

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*laugh* One of my coworkers said he’d be going to AT&T this morning, then taking a couple hours off this afternoon to sign some mortgage paperwork. I said that by *great* coincidence, I was *not* going to AT&T this morning, but that I *would* be taking an hour off to go sign some mortgage paperwork, and suspiciously suggested that perhaps Chris and I were the same person. Another coworker wrote back: Chris knows nothing of mooses. You can’t be the same person. I’m glad he cleared that up for me.…

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