go me!

I couldn’t stand it anymore and I got on the scale this morning. I’ve lost 5 pounds. *dancie dancie dance*! Incidentally, it stopped raining yesterday so I got to go biking. Go me! And, um. Oh, chiropractor this morning, right. Popopopopopop!

raining, ee

Raining, ee. I hope it stops long enough tonight for me to go biking!

busy busy busy!

Busy busy busy day! We got up at 8ish to get ready to go berry picking, which was supposed to happen at 9. Well, we thought was, anyway. At 9, Dad wasn’t here. At 9:05, I said maybe I should call at 9:15. At 9:10, I got impatient and called and said, “Did Dad forget we were going berry picking at 9 this morning?” Mom said, “No, he remembered you were going berry picking at 10 this morning!” So around 9:40 Dad came over and got Emily and me and…

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I done bikeded! 21 miles, and my god did I wear myself out. More at OYL later. Dinner now. Vroom!

sigh. doom.

Sigh. Doom. I _intended_ to get up and bike to Girdwood this morning. however, at 7:30, my tummy was all blorty from last night’s pizza. So I thought, ok, I’ll take Option #2, which is to bike to Girdwood while Ted’s at shoshen riu. I got up when I was feeling better, only to discover that Chantico had pooped in the kitchen and was suffering from a bout of the runs. So instead of going biking, I have been bringing the wretched puppy outside every five to twenty minutes so…

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