I am tired of cleaning up dog shit, too. And for some reason Zilli’s decided he’d rather crap on the floor instead of in the litter box. I’ve spent the last half hour cleaning up animal poop. Half of that was spent cleaning the kitchen. When I was done with the kitchen I discovered that darling little Chantico, who had not deigned to go to the bathroom at all when I brought her out immediately before beginning to clean, had taken a dump in the foyer. On the one hand…
gym: 235 crunches 25 pushups bench press, 50lbs, 3 sets of 12 butterfly press, 60lbs, 3 sets of 15 lat pulldown, 50lbs, 3 sets of 15 tricep extensions, 40lbs, 3 sets of 15 (ow) shoulder press, 24lbs, 3 sets of 15 (I think. coulda been 12) bicep curls, 12lbs, 3 sets of 15 supersomething pulldown, 50lbs, 3 sets of 15 back extensions, 50lbs, 3 sets of 15 65 crunches Boy, is that it? It felt like a lot more than that…
angie’s fault
Okay, this is Angie’s fault. Here we have a photo of all the Rogue figurines I’ve collected, along with a map of which Rogue is which. This one and this one (as well as the correlating Gambit bust) are on order. It’s all Angie’s fault. Somehow. I just know it is. For something slightly less geeky and a lot cuter, here are Ted and Chantico a couple of weeks ago. Chanti is a lot bigger now. Oh, and Lucy taught Zilli her new trick. o.O
Splah. Nastygram from the state today about Ted’s AK student loan. I called them up and asked why there was a nastygram and they said not to worry about it, more or less. Which is nice, I guess. It’s automated paperwork, the stuff they sent out, telling us we’re 150 days in default. Given that we used to be like … a lot more than that, I thought it was weird they were sending it. But apparently it’s just one of the random dates; when the computer says it’s 150…
wussy dog!
Chantico is SUCH a wuss! We went outside for a little walk and Moby (the Jack Russell who lives across the parking lot) and his owners were out for a walk, too, and Moby scared the holy living bejeezus out of Chanti, who ended up between my ankles SHRIEKING YII YII YII YII YII with fear. She’s an *embarrassment*, I tell you, an *embarrassment*. :)