I just looked at my backissues page for the first time since I started using a blogger, and it made me go EEE! ’cause there were aaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll these entry-titles listed, and it was scary! So I fixed it. :) And now the old journal stuff is linked in there too, whew. :) All is well! Well, ok, all is well except I’m not working on work and I have a lot of work to do, and I have a bunch a bunch a bunch of pages I still need to…
ow, sore
And having done yoga yesterday, I’m sore. Ted, the bastard, isn’t. :) Actually, I’m not crippled or anything, just a bit sore. It was a nice workout. So, the new design: no, the sidebar graphics aren’t links, they’re just decoration. Oddly, I hadn’t even thought about that being confusing, which is unusual for me. I just wanted something over there. :) I will blame all those other web designers (as Trip said) for making it an assumption that they must be links. :) I made the yin-yang, so I’m sort…
So, uh, whatcha think? :)
Went to yoga tonight! Yay! I enjoyed the class a lot. I expect I’ll be sore, tomorrow. I don’t know if Ted enjoyed it as much as I did, but I noticed a few times that he was surprisingly graceful.
weight lifting
I’m thinking of going to Play It Again Sports and getting some 10 pound weights to do weight lifting workouts at home with. This is … I mean, I prefer going to the gym, but I’m going to the gym and swimming right now and I haven’t got it together enough to go to the gym more than once a day; hell, going once a day is a new and unusual event for me, but I’d like to do some weight lifting, too. The other thing I’d kind of want…