very frustrating

It is very frustrating to be unable to create what your insides want you to create. I’m very good with words. I’m passable with drawing. I’m bearable with web design. I was good enough at photography to get both a scholarship and a professional job for it (although the linked stuff is nothing but snapshots and I don’t consider it to be Real Photography). So why does it make my chest hurt with frustration when I look at or or JimFormation? (And why are virtually all the sites…

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geeks & things

Yesterday I got sucked into Wil Wheaton’s website, which he actually maintains himself. I didn’t get sucked in for very long, because GreyMatter, which he’d been using to power his journal (and which I am now using) exploded sometime in the last … while, and so there were’t any obvious archives for me to go have my brain sucked out by. However, it was still really pretty entertaining. He’s a geek. He’s cute. I always liked him. *laugh* And I’ve learned from his disaster — I’ll try very hard to…

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I would like to thank all of my very silly friends who have reminded me to back up my mail and other files from eskimo before Saturday. I have now done this. STOP REMINDING ME! o.o

okay, that didn’t suck

Okay, that didn’t suck. I just got email from Ri-Sean Miller, who is one of the other people listed at that I’d like to be in touch with besides Jim, so, okay, that didn’t suck. :) Anybody else wanna email me? :)

hah hah!

Hah hah! Jai *has* set her journal public! Hah hah!