new Old Races short story!

I have a new Old Races story out in an anthology! Matryoshka, in ARTIFICE & CRAFT is now available! An excerpt follows: *** The largest matryoshka doll was ugly as sin, and precious beyond gold. It lay in Janx’s hoard, buried by jewels, by precious metals, by the detritus of time, forgotten even by the dragonlord until a ghost made a wish, and the world began to crack. Within it sat a second doll, half its size, rattling in its outer ebony carving when it moved at all. Now the…

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Picoreview: Barbie

Picoreview: Barbie – I went to Barbie yesterday and left emotionally compromised. It was amazing. I had no idea Helen Mirren was narrating, and she’s incredibly funny. Margot Robbie is perfect, America Ferrera made me want to stand up and cheer, and this is the first movie I’ve ever seen that I liked Ryan Gosling in. Also there were so many people in pink at the cinema!!!! Not just women, either! I haven’t seen that many men in pink since the 80s! πŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ˜πŸ’«πŸ’žπŸ’—β€οΈπŸ’«βœ¨πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’žβœ¨πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ’—πŸ˜ It was not, tbh, the movie I…

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Ask the Author: genres I’d like to write in

The Question: Are there any genres in which you’d like to write (that you’ve not written in already)? Once upon a time the answer to this question was “cozy mysteries!” but since I’ve been writing the Dublin Driver series for a while now, it’s less of a pointed answer. :) Genres, wow, well, actually yes! Having spent the past several years learning to write romance novels (which was NOT an easy task!), I’d really love to try writing romantic suspense. I have a pile of research novels to read for…

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journey vs destination

I’ve had a perfectly lovely conversation with my dad about the journey vs the destination. This was based around a couple of things: Dad wanting to visit European capitals and also do a fundraiser around walking across them, and my long-held desire to bike across America. I’ve been working on myself on that topic, because even in concept, it’s hard to not think about the DESTINATION as the GOAL: getting each leg of the journey done, biking however many miles a day is necessary to accomplish that, etc. I am…

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Ask The Author: magic systems, sorta

I am implementing an almost-certain-to-be-erratic Friday Blog Post based on reader questions! Today’s question is a very, very old one: “What’s the most difficult part when constructing a system of magic for a world?” That is a Very Good Question. So, like, let’s take the Walker Papers and the Negotiator Trilogy, which are my two longest/best known serieseses. You would not *believe* how many books I read about shamanism, animism, and Native American cultures while preparing to write the Walker Papers. LOTS. MANY. BUNCHES. (I was frankly slightly less concerned…

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