dear god, it’s november

This year has just…gone. Poof. Fweh. Zoom. I honestly don’t feel like I’ve ever fully recovered from moving. Possibly because the last dozen or whatever boxes still aren’t dealt with. I just need another bookshelf, at this point, and I don’t have one. #sigh Anyway. I have so many things to do. My daily Thinks To Do List looks like this, every day all month: – write 2k on REDEEMER (ie, nanowrimo) – revise (or proof) 50 pages on one of 3 different projects 50 pages : proofed – clean…

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in search of a glue stick, see…

A piece of wallpaper is coming up, and so I went in search of a glue stick, see, and that’s where it all went wrong. The glue stick would be with Young Indiana’s not-entirely-unpacked stuff of that nature, so I went out to the sun room where most of that is. Where most of it is, uselessly, I might add, because you have to leave the house to get into the sun room, so it’s not a casual step in to get to all of that stuff, which includes paper…

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work that isn’t writing

I cannot believe it’s the end of August. This summer has been a loss to a much greater degree than expected, and I’m just sort of…I’m getting my feet back under me, at this point. And I *am* getting my feet back under me: I’ve actually accomplished a great deal of detail work over the past week, all of which was very necessary and is something of a weight off my shoulders. Today is the first day of school: which means I have about 8 weeks of 15-20 hours of…

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omg. we have net.

SIX WEEKS to the day, we have broadband back again. I do not EVEN have the heart to explain it all but it involved orders being cancelled and resubmitted and me almost bursting into tears on the phone support lady and managers green-lighting priority work for my account and a two-month credit being issued for the account and MANY QUESTIONS THAT I HAD ANTICIPATED AS PROBLEMS AND ASKED ABOUT VERY CLEARLY AND WAS PROMISED NO NO NO THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AT ALL being the things that happened and…

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internet is imminent.

Well, ‘imminent’ is probably overly hopeful. I’ve finally been able to put an order in for broadband, anyway, and we should have internet by the 14th. Probably. Hopefully. Assuming all goes well. Which I dasn’t do, at this point. :) I am, at the moment, slaving my computer to the phone again, which only seems to work sometimes. Poor Indy has a terrible cold and nobody got much sleep last night. Earlier I tried spelling ’tissue’ and typed ‘tirrue’ and then ‘sittue,’ which cannot be blamed on being at my…

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