Yesterday my child, who had been a grumpy cuddlebutt for ages, climbed into my lap and suddenly went to sleep. And after a 90 minute nap, woke up, and went to bed at the usual time and slept for almost 12 solid hours, which never happens. Still ain’t well around here, sez I. Other than that…not much. :) I’m re-reading MAGIC & MANNERS in order to start writing on it again, and–faintly to my surprise–it’s charming. I don’t know why I’m always faintly surprised when I read something I wrote…
Tag: daily life
Everybody’s doing it :)
I guess if everybody else jumped off a bridge I…would totally not because I’m terrified of heights and bridges in particular give me the heebie jeebies so I’d be the one like lying on my belly in the middle of the bridge hyperventilating. Unless there were like zombies or something equally horrible on the bridge that would make jumping a more likely survival scenario than staying, although the statistics on surviving a jump off a high bridge aren’t good so I don’t know, maybe it’d be zombies after all. …did…
All seven of our seedlings have sprouted! We’ll have an ORCHARD! In about fifteen years. Assuming I don’t kill any of ’em. :) I’d just decided that last one wasn’t gonna come up and that I’d probably have to toss it at the new year. But then it popped up. I think those seeds are psychic. :) Anyway, pretty nifty, although I’m going to have to find a deeper box for them, because the tallest ones are brushing the plastic wrap now. I thought it would take MUCH LONGER for…
Happy Birthday of the Unconquered Sun!
I got up this morning and lit a candle for the Ember Days, because defying the gods of a fictional world is just how I roll. And also it was certainly long before sunrise, so I’ve done my part in showing the sun the way back today (although I think tonight may actually be the Longest Night. Close enough.). Happy Birthday of the Unconquered Sun, everybody. :) I tell you what, poor Indy is so wrecked that I’m about ready to wrap all the presents and declare it Christmas. He…
look, i wrote a book
I have, a year late and after half a dozen false starts and tens of thousands of words thrown away, finally finished the 3rd book in the quartet I’m writing for my nephew. It is, I am pretty confident, utter shit, but Christ, at least it’s finished. That’s…three, I think. Books I’ve written this year. STONE’S THROE, which will be out–soon! January, maybe, for Kickstarter backers? March or April for everybody else? BEWITCHING BENEDICT, the Regency we’re shopping around, and now SKYMASTER. Also I have written pretty nearly half of…