a fairly decent week

It has been a fairly good week over here, work-wise. I’m working on my next paranormal romance, with about 10k on it this week, bringing it up to around 16K/25% done, which pleases me. I have a goal to finish it by mid-February, although (of course) earlier would be better. Beyond that, I mean, like, I’m only level 4 on City of Heroes, but I’m on level 4 in City of Heroes! I’m so happy! :) I have big plans for Saturday which involve alternating between reading a book, napping,…

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The Blog and the Future

Right, so, I’m trying to reduce my dependency on billionaire-owned social media, which mean I’m trying to increase my blog footprint again. I used to be good at blogging, but somewhere along the way, with all the short-post social media (and its instantaneous feedback, let’s be real, that’s super nice), I got well out of the habit of blogging and also, more relevantly, got to where I started feeling like multiple blog posts in a day (which I used to do all the time!) were…obnoxious. Bothersome. Too Much for readers.…

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prawn-fried noodles in a takeaway carton, with chopsticks sticking into them


oh my GOD the noodle place is back at the Temple Bar Market!!!! Honestly I can’t tell you how happy I am about this. It’s a little food booth at the Temple Bar Saturday market in Meeting House Square, and I always used to order prawn fried noodles even when they weren’t technically on the menu. (Prawn skewers were, and othermeat-fried noodles were, just not prawn fried noodles. BUT GUESS WHAT’S ON THE MENU NOW!!!!!) The guy always remembered my order, because it was different. He used to give me…

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journey vs destination

I’ve had a perfectly lovely conversation with my dad about the journey vs the destination. This was based around a couple of things: Dad wanting to visit European capitals and also do a fundraiser around walking across them, and my long-held desire to bike across America. I’ve been working on myself on that topic, because even in concept, it’s hard to not think about the DESTINATION as the GOAL: getting each leg of the journey done, biking however many miles a day is necessary to accomplish that, etc. I am…

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a happy day

The past few months–well, years, but I’m just going to focus on the months :p — have been so exhausting and wearying and overwhelming that when I noticed I was happy, I thought I better mention it. Part of it is definitely that a friend I hadn’t seen since before I moved to Ireland was able to visit for a couple of days last week, and it was SO WONDERFUL to see her.