
I woke up feeling really ambitious this morning, between the head cold and 6 hours of sleep: I decided Ted should start working out and get in shape like The Rock. (honestly, i have no idea where that came from but it’s so hysterical i thought it was worth sharing. i liked how *i* wasn’t gonna do this shit, no way. it was an ambition for TED. a really really extreme one! in retrospect, i thought, y’know, getting in shape like chris pratt would be a sufficiently impressive ambition. :))…

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i has a sick

A cold attacked me on Sunday. One minute I was fine, five minutes later I had a raging sore throat and completely stuffed sinuses. Monday I sat on the couch and watched Farscape. Tuesday I went to Dublin, which was clearly an overtaxing of my ability, but I was glad I went. I went to bed at 7:30pm on Tuesday night (Indy tucked me in and read me a story &heart;), woke briefly at 11 and thought “yay I’m a lot better!” and went back to sleep…and woke up at…

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Garden Ambitions

I have Ambitions about the garden. My Ambitions probably require a wood chipper, a chainsaw, a tiller, whatever one uses to pull (reasonably small, because I wouldn’t try to deal with the big trees) stumps/roots out, and as many willing bodies as is feasible, to accomplish. See, half of it garden is gone to wild, and was before we moved in here. I don’t even necessarily mind that it’s wild. It’s that it’s murderous, full of brambles (which at least produce blackberries) and nettles (which don’t). I’d like to reduce…

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a splendid day, with pokemon :)

Indy and I had a splendid day today. We stopped at the local Pokemon gym and claimed it on the way home from school, and walked enough candies to evolve our Abra into a Kadabra, which was pretty darn exciting. He did his chores and homework cooperatively, and we went through ALL our Pokemon and found our Grimer only needed ONE CANDY to evolve. So we went for a bike ride/Pokehunt. He’s learning to ride his bike, and there’s a nice little housing estate next door that has a big…

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a live blog of the solstice

9am: #ThinksToDo: wrap gifts put tree together hold my head still so snot doesn’t swirl around & make me dizzy work on leah’s comic 10am: so far i’ve: emptied dishwasher cleared wrapping table gotten laundry going fetched wrapping paper located indy’s gifts 11am: have now: wrapped, if not ribboned, indy’s gifts must now: store them find ted’s gifts wrap them shower eat something besides sugar cookies 12pm: have now: found ted’s gifts disovered i hadn’t [redacted] proceeded to [ redacted ] wrapped MOST of his gifts despite delay did not…

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