All seven of our seedlings have sprouted! We’ll have an ORCHARD! In about fifteen years. Assuming I don’t kill any of ’em. :) I’d just decided that last one wasn’t gonna come up and that I’d probably have to toss it at the new year. But then it popped up. I think those seeds are psychic. :) Anyway, pretty nifty, although I’m going to have to find a deeper box for them, because the tallest ones are brushing the plastic wrap now. I thought it would take MUCH LONGER for…

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look, i wrote a book

I have, a year late and after half a dozen false starts and tens of thousands of words thrown away, finally finished the 3rd book in the quartet I’m writing for my nephew. It is, I am pretty confident, utter shit, but Christ, at least it’s finished. That’s…three, I think. Books I’ve written this year. STONE’S THROE, which will be out–soon! January, maybe, for Kickstarter backers? March or April for everybody else? BEWITCHING BENEDICT, the Regency we’re shopping around, and now SKYMASTER. Also I have written pretty nearly half of…

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We are not well.

Between the beginning of September and the end of October I had three distinct colds. Since the beginning of November I have had a continuous cold, or colds in such rapid succession as to make no nevermind in the difference. So has Young Indiana. Ted had some kind of throat infection that got cleared up just in time for him to start catching colds, too, so we’ve been consistently unwell in this house for weeks to months, depending on how you wish to count it. Today Young Indiana and I…

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tollbooth comedy

We were out for a drive the other day and had to go through a toll booth. Ted said to me “Do you have coins,” and I got a 2 euro coin and gave it to him, and he turned and threw it toward the coin basket. Only he smacked his hand on the closed window and the coin bounced off into the footwell, which pretty well reduced us to hysterical laughter, because it was just so perfectly slapstick. Ted rolled down the window and tossed the coin in and…

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Redeemer milestone!

EEEE Redeemer has hit 100 €10 backers! EEEE that’s so cool! Did you see the new reward levels? Hardbacks! Fudge! Random signed CE Murphy books! :) Check out the Redeemer Chronicles Kickstarter! (Actually, check out the sample chapters, too! :)) (Actually, it’s heading for another milestone of 150 backers, which is really cool, too. I have such great readers. ♥!) In the meantime, I’m watching a bunch of rocket scientists prepare to land a spacecraft on a comet, because I live in the future and I can *do* that. Wow.…

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