
Ok, this is like the sixth time this meme has turned up on my flist when THE PRETENDER’S CROWN was the closest book to hand, and so I am finally going to give in and play: Grab the book nearest you. Right now. Turn to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST. “For nearly a month she’d slept in a dull grey cell and said her devotions…

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bits, bobs & real books

I have to say, a daily word goal of 1500 words until the book is done is a whole lot less stressful than trying to write 3 or 5K or whatever a day in an attempt to get it done Faster. It’s possible I should consider that in the grand scheme of my career…. I don’t know if it’s the low-key wordcount goal or if it’s that I’m Very Determined to finish reading this series, but I’ve been reading Michelle West’s Sun Sword books. I read the first three a…

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God, but THE PRETENDER’S CROWN is a big book. I’ve gone through over 300 pages now (and cut 15 or 20. I’m hoping to discover, when I read my editor’s suggestions on things to cut, that she’s got *different* places to cut from. I don’t know that I can manage to strike the 100 pages that /Jenn thinks would be ideal, but if I could get up to 50 or even *pipe dreams* 70, that would be fantastic), and I’ve just reached the enormously climactic scene that sets everything up…

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book things

  War has erupted among the five Old Races, and Margrit Knight is responsible for the death that caused it. Now New York City’s most unusual lawyer faces her toughest negotiation yet. And with her gargoyle lover, Alban, taken prisoner, Margrit’s only allies–a dragon bitter about his fall, a vampire determined to hold his standing at any cost and a mortal detective with no idea what he’s up against–have demands of their own. Determined to rescue Alban and torn between conflicting loyalties as the battle seeps into the human world,…

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tiny bubbles

A while ago I sold my short story “Them Shoes” to Subterranean Press, and it is now up in their Summer magazine! I’m all pleased. :) I haven’t been able to figure out how to start the 5th Walker Papers, despite several attempts. I complained of this last night. Ted said, “Start with a (extremely obvious solution).” Why couldn’t *I* think of that?!? *flails around in exasperation* I’m seriously considering emailing all of those nice “I’d buy ’em if you wrote six books” comments on the last entry to my…

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