Carol Berg doesn’t write bad books, but the Collegia Magica is in the running for my favorite of her series. (I’d have to re-read BREATH & BONE to decide for sure.) There was a bit in this one that made me laugh out loud, when our unassuming heroine’s activities are related as viewed by an outside opinion. Not so unassuming after all, perhaps. A thing I expected came to pass within these pages, which was good (I really wanted it to happen), but considerably more I didn’t also happened, which…
Tag: reading
On da business
Novelist Kameron Hurley talks about some of the hurdles of the publishing industry. Tansy Ranyer Roberts responds thoughtfully to Kameron’s post. Sarah Rees Brennan & Holly Black talk about characters of color in their YA novels. You can check out my own post on the topic, too. Laura Anne Gilman L.A. Kornetsky announces two more books in her Gin & Tonic mystery series! Yay! :) I dropped by Chapters Bookstore yesterday to pick up the two Carol Berg books I didn’t own, and I don’t have, and said to yer…
I have read 52 books this year. That was my goal for the year, and it’s the first time in *years* I’ve managed to read that many. It’s half the minimum number I think I should be reading, but I…well, you couldn’t say I came to terms with it, but I acknowledged that I’m not likely to get back to the 100+ of pre-writing-career years, nevermind the 200+ of my ill-spent youth. Anyway, so I reached goal AND there are still SEVERAL MONTHS left in the year. Woot! Of course,…
I finished Nicole Peeler’s TEMPEST’S LEGACY yesterday. I got sent the first TEMPEST book as an ARC, didn’t managed to read it until months after the book came out, LOVED it, asked for the second to blurb, missed THAT window too, loved it when I read it, and bought the third one in America and loved it. Seriously, I do not read urban fantasy for fun, but I really just adore the Jane True books. They’re a lot of fun. Then I immediately started Kari Sperring’s LIVING WITH GHOSTS, which…
boringest life ever.
I seem to be suffering from the boringest life ever, in terms of blogging. We have finally all recovered from jet lag (Ted actually suffered the longest, I think, because he has to get up at 5:30 and the Springsteen concert really messed him up). Poor guy. I’ve been writing some and reading quite a lot and doing a terrible job of keeping up on blogging my recent reads. This week I’ve read – the 2nd and 3rd WVMP RADIO series by Jeri Smith-Ready, and I just bought the, er,…