Picoreview: X-Men ’97

Picoreview: X-Men 97: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Ok, just to get this out of the way: this post will contain spoilers, so if you don’t want spoilers, look away now I loved it almost unconditionally, so I’m going to talk about the things I think they did wrong more than the ones they did right :D Okay? Beyond this point, spoilers are on you. Although I’m going to start by talking about the Chris Pine Star Trek movies, so you have some space to look away in. :) (There are, mind you, also…

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Crowdfund Project: Starshot!

A big ol’ galaxy. A whole load of aliens. One unlucky human, thrust into the middle of their war… I’m running a crowdfund to do an 8 page comic book (unless we hit our next stretch goals, which might make it a 12 or 16 page comic book)! Starshot is what happens when I want to write a space adventure like Farscape or Guardians of the Galaxy, and what happens when a friend points me at the AMAZING Katie Longua, whose bright, delightful style is exactly right for this all-ages…

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Take a Chance cover

Take A Chance thoughts / Patreon signal boost

I’ve been having a think, and here’s what I’ve been thinking. I’ve got an artist for the next TAKE A CHANCE story arc. I need to be able to pay him, tho. If I can get my Patreon up to 250 patrons, at the average of $5/m that people are paying, I could afford to pay him for 4 pages a month. 300 patrons? 8 pages a month. (I can’t afford to pay him very WELL, but I could at least pay him. :)) It’d be a sneak peek/early, probably…

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omg chance painting!!!!

I got a package in the mail today from Leah Moore, for whom I drew a silly little comic recently (which I’ll be posting soon, in fact!). It contained a watercolor sketchbook and a dip pen and ink and I thought AW YOU DARLING! and said AW YOU DARLING! to her on Twitter. “Have you looked inside the sketchbook yet?” she asked. “NO!” I said, “LET ME GO DO THAT RIGHT NOW!” “I’ll wait,” sez she, and I ran downstairs to open the sketchbook and inside was THIS! OMFG OMG…

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2016 Round-Up

2016 in review is a work related round-up, because it’s been an absolutely awful year personally. The other day somebody sent around a “some good things must have happened at least on a personal level in 2016, please post them!” and I honestly couldn’t think of anything actively good enough to stand out. So, this year in publication review: startingly good, actually. I had 5 books come out, including the graphic novel of TAKE A CHANCE, which we’ve all been waiting for forever. :) To wit: MAGIC & MANNERS An…

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