borking my websites

So apparently for the new year I’ve decided to bork my websites. Not a great plan, overall, IMHO, but here we are. And, well, okay, I didn’t actually bork this one; I updated it, and think I’m vaguely happy with the look and feel for the moment, but I mean, god knows. Anyway, it’s the professional site that’s currently broken, and not even in a way that makes it unusable, just a way that is…utterly baffling. It might be due to having updated the PHP. It might…not be. I don’t…

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things, they are a-changing

I recently decided that I needed to tidy up the professional side of my website, and, since I’m not blogging much anymore, came to a crisis of conscience: did I want to turn over to a professional-only website? Mes amis, I did not. So I registered Catie Murphy dot com (because CE Murphy dot com has been taken as long as I’ve been using that name, and I’m now also writing under Catie Murphy, which was available as a domain name :)), and have set up shop there. It’s…

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new! shiny! website!

Thanks to the efforts of the magnificent Thirzah Brown, I have a beautiful new website! Equally excitingly, I have, through the good graces of a reader, acquired a comments moderator, which means the comments have been turned back on for the site! COME ONE! COME ALL! SPEAK TO ME! :) This has all been in the works for quite a long time now, and I’m really delighted to see it go live. My needs for a website have changed over the years, with me gradually wanting a greater focus on…

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shame, shame :)

After all the helpful answers yesterday about Kitsnaps photos, I forgot to set one to post this morning. You’re all certainly good for my ego, so shame on me. :) But it’s okay, because my AWESOME WEB DESIGNER is telling me all kinds of nifty things that WordPress can do that I didn’t know about, and we are going to make Kitsnaps BIGGER! STRONGER! FASTER! Or something like that. This will be AWESOME. With AWESOMENESS on the side! (Actually, now that you mention it, I may have been watching Kung…

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The Story of Mizkit’s Downtime

Is too much. I sum up. Stupidity. Rampant, rampant stupidity. The slightly longer version is that due to Reasons, I believed that was registered through one domain registrar when she was in fact registered through another. When her time was up, I paid the bill at Registar One, only to find out too late that I should’ve been paying it at Registrar Two. By that time, Registrar One, who are a bunch of f*ckers (do not, for the love of god, use Jumpline) had set up as an…

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