in sickness & in writing

Yesterday my child, who had been a grumpy cuddlebutt for ages, climbed into my lap and suddenly went to sleep. And after a 90 minute nap, woke up, and went to bed at the usual time and slept for almost 12 solid hours, which never happens. Still ain’t well around here, sez I. Other than that…not much. :) I’m re-reading MAGIC & MANNERS in order to start writing on it again, and–faintly to my surprise–it’s charming. I don’t know why I’m always faintly surprised when I read something I wrote…

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this house of plague

We have not been well, here at this house. We have in fact been sick as dogs. We may even have had the flu: there were certainly fevers and aches and headaches and general misery. I was impressed with how sick I was on Saturday, actually, and then poor Indiana and Ted were wiped out with it by Tuesday. I’m deeply grateful that I’d improved by then, as poor Young Indy was up most of Monday night. “Mama,” he said, “my head hurts. It’s like a bell in here.” (Which…

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new typing gloves!

I received these in the mail today! They’re from my friend Rachel, to whom I had sent some books, and although she owed me nothing at all she asked if there was anything she could knit for me. Not being a fool, I said if fingerless gloves weren’t too much of a pain, I could ALWAYS use another pair of cosy gloves for typing in cold cafes and the like. She asked what colors I liked, and I said teal particularly, and she said she could do that, so I…

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look, i wrote a book

I have, a year late and after half a dozen false starts and tens of thousands of words thrown away, finally finished the 3rd book in the quartet I’m writing for my nephew. It is, I am pretty confident, utter shit, but Christ, at least it’s finished. That’s…three, I think. Books I’ve written this year. STONE’S THROE, which will be out–soon! January, maybe, for Kickstarter backers? March or April for everybody else? BEWITCHING BENEDICT, the Regency we’re shopping around, and now SKYMASTER. Also I have written pretty nearly half of…

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oh my gosh.

The Redeemer Kickstarter closed out about an hour ago with 428 backers and €12,251 in funding, which hit the cover art stretch goal with a wee little bit to spare. That is *well over* a third again the number of backers I’d first dreamed of. It’s nearly *half* again the number I first dreamed of. It’s only 90 backers fewer than NO DOMINION had, which, holy *crap*, that was so far beyond my hopes I didn’t even go there. And I just now at this moment noticed that there were,…

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