
How cool! Deirdre, who can do things like this (and this and this and this), is apparently being a model at MacWorld. They’re doing touch-screen drawing classes, and Deirdre is the Woman form. There’s apparently a Man, too, but she’s never met him. :) Modelling for SIXTY THOUSAND PEOPLE! She said she wore a unitard the first day and it crawled right up her butt. Modelling for SIXTY THOUSAND PEOPLE. Ooop. :)


The thing I hate about paying bills is that when I’m done, there’s no money left. :) However, it seems that my new pay schedule is on opposite weeks from Ted’s, which means there’s money every week, which may make the whole thing seem a little less like lurching horribly from paycheck to paycheck. Hey, I take what I can get. :) I had a *great* swim tonight. I did about 3200 yards, and I could have done another thousand if there’d been time. Furthermore, I did my last 500…

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d&d stats

Apparently these are my D&D stats: Str: 6 Int: 12 Wis: 16 Dex: 13 Con: 11 Chr: 17 Huh.


Okay, so every afternoon I start going, “Waaaah, I don’t *wanna* go swimming, waaah!” But it’s not really that I don’t want to swim, it’s that I don’t want to get off my lazy ass and get to the pool. It’s not working out that’s hard, it’s getting to the damned gym! However, this morning I received a *totally* random email from somebody who didn’t know my name or how she’d gotten to my page, but she said she understood the whole love/hate relationship with swimming thing, and told me…

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I just looked at my backissues page for the first time since I started using a blogger, and it made me go EEE! ’cause there were aaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll these entry-titles listed, and it was scary! So I fixed it. :) And now the old journal stuff is linked in there too, whew. :) All is well! Well, ok, all is well except I’m not working on work and I have a lot of work to do, and I have a bunch a bunch a bunch of pages I still need to…

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