
My friend Maura McHugh‘s new Hellboy-universe comic Witchfinder launched this week. There was a signing today at the local comic shop, where I had the following conversation with a friend: Him: Reading any good comics? Me: I’m really reading more *about* comics than actual comics these days. Him: Oh, you mean like academic journals? Me: Un, no, I mean like Tumblr… *laughs* Yes, well, at least I’m honest. In other comics news, Leah sent my script back with ridiculously helpful commentary which amounted to “Good story, great pacing, great page…

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Me: I have finished a comic script, the first in ages. If I am brave and smart, now I will send it to Leah Moore* for commentary. Leah: Dooooooooooo eeet! Me: But what if it’s AWFUL? Leah: Then I shall post a gif of me frowning slightly and shaking my head very slowly! *giggles helplessly* She felt it necessary to assure me that was a joke, after posting it. *laughs more* I love Leah. Funny, funny lady. :) *leah has volunteered for this, i do not normally just send things…

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a good superhero day

It’s been a good superhero day. First, this morning: Young Indiana, looking at a picture of the Carol Danvers Ms Marvel: Is that Lightning Lady? Me: . o O ( wow, i have really *got* to write a comic of his superhero characters! ) Later, in the rain: Young Indiana: I’m Superman! I’ll stop the rain! Me: We’re gonna need Storm for that, honey. Young Indiana: STORM! Can you please stop the rain? *rain stops* (srsly, got a whole lineup of superheros now. the invisible hulk (which is like my…

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exercise room :)

So my dad has converted the garden shed at my parents’ place into an exercise studio, with a weight bench and a stationary bike and free weights. I said heck, I was going to just start going over there to exercise! “Good idea!” Ted said brightly. “It’s even a gym that provides childcare!” *laughs and laughs* My parents thought it was funny, too, but I just like imagining the look on Mom’s face. :) Actually, Ted also said “All it needs is a dance barre!” and now I’m all thinky.…

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So I type very fast. The last time I did a computer-based typing test, which was, jeez, nearly 20 years ago, I typed about 130 words per minute, and I haven’t gotten any slower. The first time I became aware of how odd my typing sounds was at home one afternoon ten or fifteen years ago when my mom said “What’s that sound?” and I stopped typing to listen and couldn’t hear anything and she said “It stopped” and I said “Huh, I donno,” and started typing again and she…

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