
It was a great day when I realized I could make egg salad any time I wanted, but Easter is still a favourite holiday because it’s the Egg Salad Holiday. :) We had Easter yesterday, because I’ll be at EasterCon in London on Easter Actual. Young Indiana got up at 5:30 (well, 6:30 with the clock change, but still) because he was So Excited, but he was thrilled to pieces to find the eggs that it was hard to hold it against him. His Easter basket had (among other things)…

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We have been Christmased. :)

Young Indiana in fact had no idea today was Christmas. He didn’t wake up until 6:50, which is the latest he’s slept in over a week. We turned the tree lights on and sent him into the living room and he gasped, “PRESENTS?!?”– –and then immediately said “I can’t wait for my Bumblebee Optimus!” which is the one toy he has been absolutely on message about for months. And, terrible parents that we are, we’d buried it at the back so it would be the very last gift he found.…

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All seven of our seedlings have sprouted! We’ll have an ORCHARD! In about fifteen years. Assuming I don’t kill any of ’em. :) I’d just decided that last one wasn’t gonna come up and that I’d probably have to toss it at the new year. But then it popped up. I think those seeds are psychic. :) Anyway, pretty nifty, although I’m going to have to find a deeper box for them, because the tallest ones are brushing the plastic wrap now. I thought it would take MUCH LONGER for…

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christmas tins

I made vanilla fudge, chocolate fudge, German nut tarts, Russian tea cakes, toffee, coconut joys and shortbread cookies for this year’s Christmas tins. Then I went to get the tins, and concluded I might have a Christmas Tin Problem problem: Seriously, I love buying Christmas tins. I’m always like YES MUST HAVE MORE! But to my considerable surprise, I filled all but four, and of those four, the train, although cool, isn’t appropriate for unwrapped treats. So I’ve been going around like the Christmas Fairy, handing out tins of goodies…

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Joy to the World

I’ve been seeing that “It’s Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays!” thing going around again, and… …look. I was young and totally ethnocentric once. When “Happy Holidays” started to intrude on my awareness, I thought it was silly. We celebrated Christmas. Everybody I knew celebrated Christmas. It was ridiculous to use the phrase “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. Worse, it was that vertboten of verboten things: politically correct. I was an asshole, in that regard. I have no idea when I got over myself. A long time ago now, as…

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