screw a things to do list. i should be keeping a things i’ve done list. today i’ve made bread, brownies, chicken pot pie & cookies, walked five miles, done 30 pushups and a load of laundry, put together a ballet barre, danced with my kid, cleaned the kitchen, worked on sorting out the office, and some other stuff i can’t remember because now i’m trying to write it down. i don’t know why i’m so hard on myself. i’m a freaking amazon. all should look upon my works and freaking…
Author: mizkit
continued adventures of cleaning the office
I have a 16 square Ikea shelving unit in my office. Over the past few days I’ve managed to empty five of the squares. Enough of it went into the rubbish to make a difference, but I’m afraid quite a number of things went into boxes in the squares into which more things could fit. Still, it’s something. I’m now down to four empty squares, because I located and separately congregated all of the art and photography equipment, which ought to render them both more useable. I’ve long since been…
Slice of Life: Amazed
An actual conversation that took place in our house yesterday, recorded in web comic form mostly for my friend Mikaela. Indy said, “Who’s that?” and I said, “Daddy,” and he said, “Why does he look so AMAZED?” so I figure I got the gist of it right. :)
Recent Reads: Spindrift
I read Allen Steele’s Coyote trilogy…*checks the reading page* good lord, in 2006. And really liked them, so I’ve been looking forward to reading SPINDRIFT for, uh. Years. I have no idea how long it’s been on my TBR shelf. Quite a while. So I was disappointed when I bounced hard off the opening chapter/prologue/thing, and was wondering if I should go re-read the COYOTE books to see if they were, y’know, any good, and also to see what they refreshed about what this book was possibly supposed to be…
2016 so far
Apparently my resolution is to sleep through 2016. Of the as-of-this-moment 41 hours available in 2016, I have slept, napped, or rested through 23 of them. The somewhat alarming thing is that I feel I could quite probably go back to sleep. It is just barely possible I’ve surpassed my ability to cope. We’ve dismantled the Christmas tree, which is quite an accomplishment. I even managed to more or less clean the kitchen. I’m…attempting…to make some headway on cleaning the office; half an hour’s effort yesterday took it from this:…