The rest of the week’s been pretty low-key, actually. When I got home Sunday evening, Ted had just finished baking a batch of cookies, so we had cookie ice-cream sundaes which were very yummy, and I rattled on about the con for quite a while. We have an Emily for the week, and she’s been very sensibly sleeping a lot to catch up on her sleep after her crazy summer. On, let’s see. Hm. Monday and Tuesday are apparently an unspeakable blur. I think I made Emily watch Hudson Hawk,…
Author: mizkit
Friday, Part II
Friday, Part II Arriving at the Junker residence is sort of the point at which everything slid into ultra-casual, ultra-cool, ultra-laid-back mode. Oh, good grief, I forgot; Karen said Friday morning that she and Anna Genoese and Melinda whose last name I don’t know, who had gone out someplace Thursday night, had a great time, and that Friday Anna’d told her what fun she’d had, and said, “Is there anything I can do for you?” and Karen said, “Publish Catie’s books!” O.O Ahem, right, that was a total aside. :)…
friday, part 1
Friday, Part I I cannot believe how early I got up on Friday morning. Like at 7:05 (6:05 my time), which was just Too Damned Early, especially with having gotten up at 5 the previous day. However, I managed to both shave my legs and get to the van in time to be brought to Karen’s house, where Julie made scrambled eggs with peppers that made me burp pepper tastes all day, but which were otherwise very good. :) Liz Wolfe and I went to the airport to pick Sarah,…
Thursday. For real this time. :) So I finished my book while I was waiting for the limo, and then Kathy and Kristie and their husbands Jim and Ron arrived and we all piled into the v. comfy limo that Karen had sent to pick them up (I lucked out, or something like that, because my plane was late) and we went to the Junker’s house. By the time we arrived, we’d *already* missed the Pasties Incident, and this was only Thursday night, so this should suggest to you what…
writer’s weekend!
July 26, 2003 Oh my goodness. It’s way too early out. And it’s been to early for day sand days and days. Orlando Bloom dipped in chocolate. That’s what was just said. It’s … well. 7:10 my time. 8:10 their time. And we’ve already got Orlando Bloom dipped in chocolate. Go Writer’s Weekend. :) Okay, so. Thursday. Thursday I got up at 5 bloody A.M. and got to the airport, where they charged me $100 instead of $50 to upgrade my ticket to first class. Wel, whatever. I went and…