I have finally found the address for Davis-Panzer Productions, the company who produces Highlander. Having found it, I wrote a query letter pitching our Highlander series idea to them, and went and put it in the mail. January is pitch month. VIVIVI.* Wish it luck. Wow, *please* wish it luck! *vivivi is shorthand for ‘vibrate vibrate vibrate’ (as in, with nerves). It’s all Sarah’s fault! o.o
Author: mizkit
buggering hell.
Buggering, buggering, buggering hell. Does anybody who might possibly read this know why IE6, NS7 and Mozilla…something or other… wouldn’t read CSS layers correctly? Opera and Chimera are rendering the layers correctly, but IE, NS and Mozilla are lumping them in the wrong order. The bottom layer has a z-index of 1; the top layer, of 2. Ideas? Suggestions? I’m at the end of my tether.
CSS problems
Buggering, buggering, buggering hell. Does anybody who might possibly read this know why IE6, NS7 and Mozilla…something or other… wouldn’t read CSS layers correctly? Opera and Chimera are rendering the layers correctly, but IE, NS and Mozilla are lumping them in the wrong order. The bottom layer has a z-index of 1; the top layer, of 2. Ideas? Suggestions? I’m at the end of my tether.
*redecorate redecorate redecorate* (this is an interim page, this white-background one. carry on, nothing to see here.)
time stamps
Ok, the time stamps are back, although they’re in the wrong place and I’m not sure they do a damned thing to help out the layout of the page, but it’s okay, because I’m still redecorating. Honest. Soon the mess will go away. Soon, my precious. Last night I curled up on the couch in my Rogue blanket with my Stitch doll and watched Lilo & Stitch. I am very smug about all of this. And I swear, I’m like a little kid with her blankie. I keep looking for…