GGK Book Club: The Darkest Road, ch 1-4

I was just sitting here frowning at my website wondering why a post hadn’t automatically posted and I realized it was because I hadn’t written it yet. @.@ And indeed, because I’m supposed to be working, and because I read the whole book at once this time, and don’t have it in my office right now, I’m going to make this a super short post primarily for the purposes of getting it out there rather than having anything insightful to say right now. I’ll try to get insights into the…

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worth the price of admission

I had the sudden suspicion that Scrivener might let me put both my synopsis and the chapter I was working on up in a split screen, and lo, within a few seconds I’d figured out how to do so. That feature alone is worth the price of admission. I’ve also got an obviously-increasingly-useful sidebar going on with research materials filling up, and find a sort of unholy glee in the idea that it’s all just right there to flip through instead of digging through browser bookmarks or random text files.…

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Sunshine Yellow

Kitsnaps: Sunshine Yellow

More unidentified but cheerful flowers. Now I need to get myself out into the world to take more pictures, so the Kitsnaps don’t lag again…

Picoreview: A New York Winter’s Tale

Picoreview: A New York Winter’s Tale: That was really pretty awful. Ted had read me a bit of a review which had pretty well panned the film, saying, among other things, that there was too much magic. We went “wtf, it’s a fairy tale, how can there be too much magic?” There was too much magic. I can see where it might have worked in the book (which I may now have to read, just out of curiosity), but on screen it was just Too Much. Too twee, too corny,…

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Kitsnaps: Friendship

This is my favourite scuplture at the Botanic Gardens, and I’ve been trying for years to get a picture of it that I like. I’m reasonably happy with this one, although I still want to try for a successful full-length one. Onward!