I admit I’m taking a certain amount of glee from watching the horror of the Red Wedding unfold across my Facebook page (mostly Facebook; in other places the geek quotient is higher and more people knew what was coming). Bahahaha. :) Oh, I forgot to mention the ridiculously cool birthday present I got. One of my friends is a performance artist, and was wracking his brain to come up with a gift for me, and suddenly thought, “I could do an in-home 5 minute performance!” And he did, much to…
Category: Fandom
guys, guys, vonda mcintyre commented on my blog. i mean, it was on judy’s post and everything, but VONDA MCINTYRE commented on my blog! *quietly dies of squee* The Stockholm blog is getting a lot of good commentary, and over the next week or so I have some hope of bringing stuff up out of comments for wider discussion. Thank you guys all for participating. This has been a lot of fun!
genderswapping lotr
PAUL BETTANY AS GALADRIEL JESUS GOD I WOULD WATCH THE HELL OUT OF THAT okay, i’m late to the party, it’s a post from 2010, but i just got pointed at it, and holy mother of mercy. seriously, i would WATCH THE HELL OUT OF THAT. there is no universe in which this should be not happening. this should happen in ALL the universes. especially this one. RIGHT NOW. or better yet like five years ago so i could be WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW. ben barnes as arwen. *dies the…
Laydeez Do Comics
Last night Maura McHugh and Lynda Rucker launched the inaugural Laydeez Do* Comics event in Dublin. It was an enormously successful launch, with 3 excellent speakers (Sarah McIntyre, Alan Nolan and Maeve Clancy) and around 15-20 attendees. I saw people I knew, met new people, and met some people who knew me. :) As always, going and talking to people about comics makes me desperately want to do them. In my copious free time. *agonize* I have this ever-growing pile of script ideas, and just aaguuuugh! I know people who…
there we are.
I couldn’t post to LJ for the past 24 hours or so, so there’s a sudden rash of posts from me as things propagate. Sorry. So far this week I’ve won tickets to FF6 and an upgrade to my Meat Loaf concert ticket. I clearly need to go buy lotto tickets tonight. Young Indiana and I went to the Botanic Gardens the other day. A couple of kids around age 6 saw us and stood there grinning at us so hard I thought their faces would explode. It was a…