shoulda woulda coulda

Probably if I had swum this morning, I would be far more awake than I am right now. On the other hand, I’d also probably be even more dehydrated, which isn’t such a great thing. Anyway, I decided in favor of sleeping some more, which meant I got almost 9 hours of sleep but I was up by 8 anyway, which is not a bad thing. I had some really peculiar dreams in the 90 minutes between Ted getting up and me getting up, though. Among the weirdest was a…

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ferrets and swimming

I was going to say something else, but I forgot what, so a ferret said that I was going to talk about how cool ferrets are and how people should bring them more ice cream, because they’ve eaten all their ice cream. That’s not what I was going to say, but I like to oblige ferrets. What I was going to say was, my poor husband commented after I swam that I smelled nice, and I was like, “Yah! Chlorine!” and he was like, um, no, your shampoo… Well, it’s…

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two more minutes!

Two more minutes! I just needed two more minutes! I went to the pool tonight, and after leaving early enough to be really early, traffic was very slow and I didn’t get in the water until about 5:37. If I’d been in by 5:35, I could have done 4000 yards. Instead, I only managed 3900, and I hauled *ass* through a 1000 yard sprint; did it in about 17 minutes. Ok, that’s not *really* hauling ass, but it was pretty good. And it was my last 1000, so that’s even…

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it’s *amazing*

It’s amazing how stylesheets work so much better when you don’t fuck up the call-line. I’ve been trying to figure out for over a week why this site I was working on wasn’t reading the stylesheets right, and finally I see that it’s got an extra / in front of the call-line. Sigh. Amazingly, it works now. Which means all I have to do is go through the stylesheets and fix the colors and the site will be about 95% done. Which is good, because it’s supposed to launch Thursday…

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Well! Sunday we went over to Melissa and Pat’s for a very good lunch which lasted from 1pm til 5:45pm. :) And talked and ate and played with their cat and ate some more and it was lots of fun! (The cat photos are here, Melissa.) Then I came home and fussed with the Gambit site some more and Ted went to a movie and goodness, that’s not a very exciting weekend update, is it? That’s okay, you’ll have to cope with it, because I’m hungry and I need to…

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