Version II of the Comic Con schedule. This is one of those things where I’m about to say something I can hardly believe needs to be in my vocabulary, but: All meals and meet-ups with friends are subject to change based on professional commitments. I would really love to be going to Comic Con to just be an utter fanboy full of squee, but I’m going to work. Meetings or meals with my publishers and promotional activities have to take precedence. Hopefully I’ll be able to manage it all, but…
Category: Uncategorized
The Dark Knight doesn’t start in stupid Longford until NEXT WEEK! *ded*
today is a day for minutia
Yesterday I took the day off (not so much because of the failed computer, because I write on a different computer, but because I needed it) and worked on my sunburn. It was practically the only opportunity there’s been this summer to work on it, so I did a nice job: That comparatively white stripe there is where my purse strap was slung across my body. A wise and clever Kit I am not. Yesterday my husband carried a tree home. I admired his manliness. :) It’s an apple tree!…
God thinks we spend too much time online.
The (comparatively new, as in, given to us in January) desktop computer didn’t shut down properly last night, and now refuses to boot up. Doesn’t even get as far as the hard drive powering up. I think God is telling us we spend too much time online.
you know…
Under any other circumstances, in any other world, a 2600 word writing day would be _perfectly respectable_. *More* than respectable. And instead, what am I doing? I’m taking a fifteen minute break and going back to work again. I have this fear that when I finally do finish this last push, I’m not going to know how to stop. It’s hard enough to stop my brain from thinking things like, well, if I made a really hard push in August, I could probably get TRUTHSEEKER written by early September… which…