I just walked entirely under the neighbor’s sprinkler. *Not* what I intended to do. I managed to get just exactly in step with it so that I walked beside it for the entire arc of water and got rained on. *drip*
Category: Uncategorized
busy sunday
Sunday was busy too. I got up at 9, after lying around for quite a while and finally being no longer able to stay in bed. I had hopes Ted would get up soon and make waffles, so instead of eating breakfast, I made bread, cookies, and worked on Angles. Eventually Ted got up and did not want to make waffles, so I had a bowl of cereal to supplement the two cookies I’d already eaten, hung out online a bit, had some more cookies, and went biking. 23.3 miles…
Wow. I’ve gotten a lot done today. Everything on my list except for biking, which I’ll do after dinner. We did our Sunday shopping today, because, er, well, we were out of a lot of things. Ted got his glasses adjusted and picked up his contacts, I got a pair of shorts, we looked at fencing stuff — we think we’re going to build a 3″ cedar picket fence, rather than the 6″ privacy fences all our neighbors have, because 1. we’re not that private, 2. it’s cheaper, and 3.…
Thinks to do today: 1. finish laundry 2. work on Angles 3. go biking 4. vacuum 5. clean up back yard 6. clip some lilacs for the house We went to the new Charlie’s Angels movie last night. I barely remember the first one, but my recollection is that it was obviously bad, but I was at least entertained by it. This one was just embarrassing. The only good bits, and I use good very loosely, were with Demi Moore, towards the end. Came home and I went on a…
Thinks to do today: 1. Laundry 2. make bread 3. eat breakfast 4. call dentist 5. call hotel 6. call mortgage broker 7. drink water Last night I went on a 13 mile bike ride. It rained on me for 11.25 miles of the ride. Hnf. We watched the next several episodes of Angel, too, I think through episode 14. This season of Angel is *so* much better than the last season (the last two seasons, really) of Buffy that it pisses me off. While Joss hasn’t written many (any?)…